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Metering & Usage History

Pre-Enrollment Customer List

CRES Providers and Power Brokers certified by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) and registered with AEP Ohio may access the Pre-Enrollment Customer List, usage data and meter attributes free of charge through our Business Partner Portal (BPP) at any time. The list will be updated on the first calendar day of each month; and as noted in our Supplier Terms and Conditions a CRES Provider or Power Broker must use the most current list to contact customers.

Only active accounts will appear on this list. If a customer has more than one Service Delivery Point (multiple tariffs), there will be a separate record for each, with a unique SDI number. For non-metered accounts, such as outdoor lighting, Load Profiles can be found in the Related information… below. A format file describing the list’s file layout will be included with the BPP downloaded list.

Information regarding CRES Provider Registration and Power Broker Registration with AEP Ohio can be found in the Related information… below. Upon completion of the registration process, the CRES Provider or Power Broker will be contacted to establish access to the BPP.

For Governmental Aggregators Only

Governmental Aggregators may obtain a file specific to their jurisdictional area. The options for this file are contained in the Aggregation Registration Application located on the Aggregation page.

Interval Metering

Interval metering is required for every SDI whose maximum monthly billing demand for the most recent 12 month period is 200 kW or greater. The cost of any interval metering facilities installed by AEP Ohio to comply with this requirement shall be paid for by the customer. The customer must provide written approval for the meter installation when the CRES provider is to be billed.

A dedicated analog phone line is also required, and all costs associated with the installation and maintenance of this phone line are the responsibility of the customer. In addition, the customer shall pay a charge to cover incremental cost of operation and maintenance and meter data management associated with such interval metering as detailed in the Terms and Conditions of Open Access Distribution Service in our Tariffs. (See Tariff and Revenue Class Codes)

During the period between the customer request for the interval meter and the time it takes AEP Ohio to install such meter, a generic load profile will be used for settlement purposes in PJM and consumption meter readings will be used for billing. (See Load profiles page)

A customer or CRES Provider may request interval metering for customers whose maximum monthly billing demand is less than 200 kW. After the dedicated phone line is installed at the customer’s location, the customer is instructed by the CRES Provider representative to contact AEP at 1-888-710-4237 to request an order to have the interval meter installed. An installation order is forwarded to the Meter Services Supervisor for the area in which the customer’s AEP account resides. The Meter Services Supervisor will contact the customer to coordinate the installation of the interval meter.

In addition, AEP monitors the demand usage for those accounts that have switched to a CRES Provider for energy supply, and notifies the appropriate Meter Services Supervisor when an account meets the requirement criteria. The Meter Services Supervisor will contact the customer if no installation order is received. As a last effort, the account may be switched back to AEP standard offer service if the customer fails to comply with the tariff requirement.

Interval Metering Costs

The file below provides the current pricing list for interval meter installations for Ohio Choice. Metering will be owned and maintained by AEP Ohio.

AEP OH Interval Meter Installation Charges

Historical Usage

Twelve billing months (if available) of usage history, either summary or interval, may be requested via EDI. Power Marketers who are certified by the PUCO and registered in AEP Ohio also have the ability to access this information free of charge at any time from our Business Partner Portal. The party seeking the customer information certifies that it is entitled to such information pursuant to applicable law and has obtained the consent of the customer to acquire such information from AEP Ohio. AEP Ohio reserves the right, at any time, to request the CRES Provider’s documentation of customer consent (i.e., the AEP Ohio Letter of Authorization signed by the customer dated on or before the EDI request or BPP download).

Please use the two AEP Ohio Customer Letter of Authorization forms found below. If you would like to add your logo or contact information, you may do so if you do not alter the format or font size of the existing document. Your logo can be smaller or equal in size than the AEP Ohio logo.

This form can be used for both residential and non-residential customers if interval data is not requested:

AEP Ohio Customer Letter of Authorization for the Request of Historical Usage – Non IDR

If you are requesting interval data, please use this form:

AEP Ohio Customer Letter of Authorization for the Request of Historical Usage - IDR AEP Ohio Letter Of Authorization - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

AEP Ohio LOA FAQs include the following examples:

  • Exhibit A: Completed AEP Ohio LOA
  • Exhibit B: Multiple SDIs - AEP Ohio LOA
  • Exhibit C: LOA Failed Audit Notification

Note: All LOAs submitted to AEP are subject to periodic audits. Please refer to the LOA FAQ document for detailed information regarding LOA audit requirements CRES Provider assumes responsibility for any LOA uploaded on behalf of the their company.

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