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Permanent Service for a New Home

Looking to establish electrical service for a newly-constructed home? We'll help guide you through the process. Learn what information you'll need to fill out our online form, as well as what to expect once the request is submitted.

If you're looking to start service at an existing home, go to the Start Service page.


Below is the information you will need to complete your request.

Project Owner/Requestor Information
Name and contact info is required.

Primary Account Holder Information
Name, contact and billing info is required.

Secondary Account Holder Information
This information is optional.

Nearby Friend/Relative
This information is optional.

Site Address and Details
This information is required.

Construction Details
This information is optional.

What to expect when establishing new service

Expand the topics below to learn more.

Use our online form to request permanent service for a new home. You can also request service by calling us at 800.672.2231.

When placing your order, please have the following information ready:

  • Contact for project (name, phone number and email address)
  • Name, phone number, and email for the primary account holder (if different)
  • Primary account holder billing address and email address
  • Site address (911 address)
  • Type of service requested

You’ll receive a 9-digit number and, if necessary, a technician site visit will be scheduled.

When preparing for your meeting, please have the following information ready:

  • Site ready (date)
  • Site plan (location of septic, leach field, driveway, etc.)
  • Planned location of meter
  • Load information (square footage, heating/cooling kw)

Your technician will discuss options for location of AEP facilities and explain any timelines and requirements.

After the site visit, your technician will contact you with the design package, which will include:

  • Easement requirements
  • Construction drawing
  • Estimated cost (if any)

Once you agree to the plan and complete all of the necessary requirements, materials will be ordered and the job will be sent to the line department for construction. Customer requirements will be discussed and noted on the Customer Responsibility Checklist and handed out during the site visit.

Your meter may or may not be ready for service at the time of construction. Once we receive your electrical inspection and security deposits, and complete all other requirements, the meter will be energized.

The time of year, weather, and storm restoration activity can greatly affect our timeline for providing new service. The items below can also lead to project delays:

  • Changes to the layout or scope of work
  • Requests for multiple estimates
  • Incorrect information or information not provided in a timely manner
  • Permitting
  • 3rd party easements

Once you’re prepared and ready to request service, use our online form to get started.

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