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AEP Ohio Monitoring Extreme Cold Weather Forecast Read more

CRES Calculations Processes

We provide our policy document supporting CRES Calculations Processes below. Our processes and load reporting as related to the PJM Settlement process are outlined in this document. Examples of each process as well as calculation of the yearly PJM weather normalization factor (WNF) are also included.

Each December, we send the new Peak Load Contribution (PLC)/Capacity and Network Service Peak Load (NSPL)/transmission tags, via EDI 814C, to CRES Providers. The NSPL transmission values are effective from January 1 through December 31, while the PLC Capacity values are effective June 1 through May 31.

AEP Ohio current and historical Weather Normalization Factor


AEP-Ohio Class Default Capacity and Transmission Tags


Disclaimer: We provide this information as a convenience to the user and we make no representations or warranties regarding the validity or applicability of the information to the user. The user accepts full responsibility for any action or forbearances undertaken based on or in connection with use of this information. The user hereby releases and discharges AEP Ohio from any liability, and agrees to indemnify and hold AEP Ohio harmless from any costs, expenses, or liabilities by AEP Ohio, user or any third party, arising from or relating to the user’s use of the provided information and tools.

Weather Normalized peak and five Summer Coincident peaks are subject to change by PJM. Please refer to the PJM website for the most up-to date information.

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