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Glossary for Business Customers

As you begin to shop for a new electric provider, you'll hear some new terms and concepts that are used when participating in Customer Choice. Become familiar with these terms and concepts as you evaluate offers from providers.

Terms & Definitions


A person who contracts with customers to combine the customers' electric load for the purpose of purchasing retail electric generation service on an aggregated basis. The term does not include a governmental aggregator. View a list of Aggregators certified by the Public Utilities Commission.

Competitive Retail Electric Service (CRES) Provider

The company you choose to provide the generation and transmission of your electricity. Synonym: Competitive Service Provider (CSP).

Competitive Service Provider (CSP)

See Competitive Retail Electric Service (CRES) Provider.

Kilowatt-hour (kWh)

The standard measurement for the amount of electricity a customer uses.

Local electric utility

The company that delivers your electricity to your home or business. In other words, if you're currently an AEP Ohio customer, your local electric utility is AEP Ohio.

Price Comparisons

Your specific price comparison may vary from month to month, depending on how much electricity you use and when you use it. Please check to make sure you are comparing like billing components when evaluating offers from CRES Providers. The following links may assist you while making price comparisons.

Power Broker

A person who assumes the contractual and legal responsibility for the sale and/or arrangement for the supply of retail electric generation service to a retail customer without taking title to the power supplied. View a list of Brokers certified by the Public Utilities Commission.

Power Marketer

A person who assumes the contractual and legal responsibility for the sale and provision of retail electric generation service to a retail customer who had title to the electric power provided at some point during the transaction. To view a list of Marketers certified by the Public Utilities Commission.

Service Delivery Identifier number (SDI)

The number you must provide to your new provider when you're ready to switch; it is not the same as your account number. Your SDI number appears on your monthly electric bill from AEP Ohio. You must provide the SDI for each service you want to switch and you can choose different providers for each of these SDIs.

For more general information on Customer Choice you may visit the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s (PUCO) website. Or you may call the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s (PUCO) Consumer Hotline at 1-800-686-PUCO (7826).

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