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Improving Electric Service in Italian Village

We know the power outages you’ve experienced have been frustrating and disruptive to your community. While we’ve taken a number of steps to improve the reliability of your service, we still have work to do.

Our crews have thoroughly investigated the cause of your recent outages and have a plan in place to address the issues identified. While we believe this will improve your electric service, we’ll continue to closely monitor the grid in your area.

What You Can Expect

February 2023

Weather permitting, we expect all repairs to be made by the end of the month.


We believe these repairs will resolve the issues causing outages, but we’ll continue to monitor the grid closely and take quick action if any additional issues arise.


We’ve determined power outages in this community are the result of several compounding factors, including an issue with our underground cable network that we’ve already repaired.

After each recent outage, we made repairs to damaged equipment thinking we’d resolved the issue. In reality, there was a larger issue at hand that we recently uncovered during our investigation. An anchor that holds the guy wire to our electric pole became loose, allowing some slack in our lines that made them sag and hit together — ultimately causing a ripple effect of issues with our equipment. We’ll be replacing that anchor, straightening the connected electric pole and restringing wire. This is a complex repair as our lines cross City of Columbus electric lines in multiple places, which is why we’ll be coordinating closely to safely complete this important work.

Our team has investigated equipment in the area to identify issues and put a plan in place to make repairs. Additionally, we've repaired an issue with the underground cable network that serves Italian Village.

Yes, that’s our goal. We’re committed to improving your electric service and won’t stop until we find the best solution for Italian Village.

While we don’t anticipate the need for outages, there’s always the possibility that crews might need to take an outage to safely complete work. Please be sure we have your best contact information at AEPOhio.com/Account/Service in case we need to get in touch.

Additional Questions?

Please contact Nala Kovach at nkovach@aep.com.

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