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Northeast Ohio: Improving Your Service

We know you depend on us for power, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Here are highlights of the work planned across your region in 2022. Below you, can also find a few key projects happening in Northeast Ohio to help keep the power flowing to homes and businesses in your community.

Inspecting ~1,350k Miles of Electric Lines

Hazard Tree Removal From 158 Electrical Circuits

Replacing 166 Electric Poles

Upgrading Over 32 Miles of Electric Lines

2022 Projects in Progress

In addition to the major projects listed above, ongoing improvement and maintenance work will continue as needed across the region. Estimated work and timelines are subject to change dependent upon weather or unforeseen conditions.

Additional Planned Improvements

East Liverpool Voltage Conversion

Upgrades are coming to the Village of St. Clair where our crews will remove old equipment and install new overhead electric lines and equipment to improve the electric reliability for the area.

Newport / Tippecanoe Project

Work continues to rebuild this electrical distribution circuit, installing new lines and equipment along Tracy Rd SE and State Route 800. These upgrades will help improve electrical reliability for the surrounding communities.

Sunnyside-Torrey Transmission Line Project

This project involves updating about four miles of transmission line and two electric substations on the south side of Canton. The upgrades will help strengthen the local electric transmission system, reduce the likelihood of power outages and speed up recovery of service when outages happen.

Wooster / Melrose Drive Relocation

Crews will be working in this area to relocate our electric lines and equipment, accommodating the City of Wooster’s sidewalk project.

Zoarville / Mineral City Rebuild

This project will rebuild approximately 17,500’ of overhead electric distribution lines to reduce the likelihood of power outages affecting the surrounding communities. Check back for updated information as this project progresses.

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