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Energy Reports & Tools FAQs

About Energy Tools

We want to provide customers with a variety of online charts and graphs to help you better manage your energy use. In addition to the Energy Reports, we have provided Energy Tools on your AEP Ohio account. You can compare bills, explore your energy usage, learn what uses the most in your home, find savings tips, and more! Customers with an AMI meter can drill down to the 15 minute interval usage, see a bill projection and learn on average what day(s) their home uses the most energy to help them target savings.

About Similar Homes Comparison

Similar homes are a group of approximately 100 homes that are similar in size to yours, similar in type (single-family homes or apartments/condos), and are located close to your home. When available, heat type (electric, gas, fuel oil) is included in the comparison group. Update your Home Energy Audit.

To ensure your comparison is valid, we've chosen specific homes that are nearby and have characteristics that typically lead to similar energy needs such as home size and heating source. And importantly, we include only homes that appear to be occupied at the time of the comparison. We do not include homes that appear to be empty based on low energy usage during the given period.

No. The identity of your comparison group is kept confidential and is not shared with consumers; all personally identifiable information is kept private.

Only you can see your personal data. Please see our complete privacy policy.

Your information is compiled anonymously. It is not shared with anyone in your comparison group

The square footage of your home used in the Home Energy Report is based on data that is collected from public records. If the square footage on your report is not correct, you can change it in the Home Energy Profile, or contact us by email or by phone at (888) 237-4411 to update your home's profile for the purposes of this program.

Heating source (electric, gas, fuel oil) is one of many factors used to establish the similar homes comparison group. Homes with gas heat, for example, will not be included in your comparison group if your home is heated with a different fuel. Your home's heating type is determined by what is available on public record. If your home's heating type is incorrectly listed, please contact us by email or by phone at (888) 237-4411 to update your home's profile. You can also update your Home Energy Profile

Our goal is to provide you with a comparison that is valid and meaningful. Currently, our report comparisons include 100 similar, nearby, occupied homes. Our research shows that for almost all residents this 100-home average is a good indication of typical usage. In addition to factors like square footage and heating type, the number of occupants in a home and special loads can impact usage. You can update your Home Energy Profile to improve the accuracy of your home comparison.

It's understandable that some people may have life or housing circumstances that make it difficult to reduce their home's energy use. We aim to provide a wide range of ideas that can address the various needs of our customers and their homes. We encourage you to find out which tips are best for you and search for more ideas. In some cases, you may not be able to realize substantial savings given certain circumstances, but we've found that most people can realize at least some savings and we hope we can help you do so.

Efficient households likely take a variety of steps to reduce their electricity use, including using the thermostat to manage heating and cooling costs, turning off lights and electronics when not in use, and always running full loads in the dishwasher, washer and dryer. Ways to Save and energy reports provide actionable steps that you can take to help you make your home more efficient.

About Home Energy Reports

Most people are eager to make their home more efficient and save money, but they're not always sure how. The Home Energy Reports program is designed to provide you with more information about your energy use, so you can make informed choices and save money. We provide energy-saving tips not only through the Energy Reports, but also through your Energy Tools on your accounts. We are always looking for ways to improve, and we welcome feedback from you. Please contact us by email or by phone at (888) 237-4411 with your positive comments or suggestions for improvement.

We want to help you save energy and lower your electric bill. You are among a group of AEP Ohio customers included in the Home Energy Report recipient group based on your location and/or other billing criteria or meter type.

Thank you for your interest in the program! Customers are selected at random to receive Home Energy Reports. If you aren’t currently receiving a Home Energy Report, you may be selected at random in the future to receive them. If you have additional questions please contact us by email or by phone at (888) 237-4411. There are a variety of online Energy Tools & Reports available to you on your account.

Home Energy Reports are designed to provide new information to help you understand your home's energy use and find smart ways to make your home more efficient. Each report will provide you with new information including:

  • Information on your home's energy use: You can see your home's energy use in the context of the energy use of similar homes that are nearby and similar in size.
  • Progress tracking: You also can see how your home's energy use changes over time and across seasons.
  • Ideas on Energy Efficiency: On each report, you can find ways to save energy, including information on the rebates and other special programs we offer.

Since the data provided by your home's smart meter is much more rich and detailed than the data available from a standard meter, your Home Energy Report will provide you with additional insights into your home's energy usage. For example, it may show you your daily usage across the last month, or include a comparison of heating or cooling usage in the context of other similar homes.

Daylight Saving Time ends during the month of November. When this change occurs, there is a transition period where there are technically '25 hours' in the day (there are two occurrences of 1:00am). "Energy Use Details" graph only displays 24 hours of data, therefore, the first extra hour between 1:00am-2:00am displays as blank. Note that you are still using power during this extra hour, however your usage isn't visible on the graph.

The 12 month cost or savings are estimates of how much more or less you would pay for energy if your energy use and patterns change to match with other similar homes. The cost calculations are made using today's current energy rates.

These tips are a great place to start, but there are many ways you can save energy and money. The reports and this website include strategies that are most effective in typical homes. Not all of them will apply to your home, and there may be other ways you use less energy. We encourage you to contact us and share more ideas with us on how you are using less energy.

View more ways to save. The U.S. Department of Energy and ENERGY STAR® are good, independent resources for additional information on energy savings.

Yes! Reports can be sent to you via e-mail. You can update your account preferences here. You can also contact us by email or by phone at (888) 237-4411 for additional assistance.

Yes. We are providing this service as an educational tool to help you understand your home's energy use and to share ideas on how you might be able to save money. If you would like to be removed from the program for any reason, you can opt out by updating your Usage Notifications , or by contacting us by email or by phone at (888) 237-4411. Please note, opt-outs are permanent.

About Other Energy Reports

High Bill Alerts are proactive alerts designed to help customers with an AMI meter save when they are projected to use more energy than usual for a billing period. This alert will be sent during the middle two weeks of your bill cycle if your projected usage exceeds the default threshold (25% more usage than the prior year) or the threshold you have set. You can manage your alert threshold here.

Yes, customers without an AMI meter can receive the non-AMI High Bill Alert. This alert looks at weather trends and prior usage to determine your home’s sensitivity to weather. For example, if you use electric to heat your home and the winter weather is colder than normal, you may receive a High Bill Alert letting you know that you might be on track for a higher than normal bill.

Customers with an AMI meter may opt-in to receive a Weekly Energy Report. This report includes a week over week comparison of your home’s energy usage, a bill projection, day by day energy breakdown, an hourly breakdown, and personalized tips. This report is designed to provide you more information about your energy use.

Customers without an AMI meter are not able to receive this report. The Weekly Energy Report is created from interval usage data provided by an AMI meter.

You can manage your notifications. You can unsubscribe, update the dollar or usage amount that you would like to be notified, or subscribe/re-subscribe.

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