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Important Traffic Safety Reminders

August 9, 2024

There's no better time to reinforce the importance of safe driving than during National Traffic Awareness Month — especially as students head back to school with the expected increase in vehicle and pedestrian traffic and and distracted drivers.

Here are two important reminders to help keep you and others safe — not just during August but all year long.

  • Stay focused: Getting to your destination safely is important not just for you and your passengers but also for helping to keep the power on. Vehicle accidents are a leading cause of power outages, often causing extensive damage to our equipment that can take six hours or more to repair and restore power. Time spent addressing this often-preventable damage takes our lineworkers away from planned maintenance and improvements to the grid.
  • Watch out for pedestrians — and workers: Many types of crews are working in or along the roadways, including our very own field personnel. Our lineworkers and tree crews are out every day in the communities we serve upgrading, repairing and maintaining our equipment to ensure you have electricity to power your life. It’s a hazardous job — and working alongside busy streets is one of the biggest safety concerns our employees face. Please remember: when you encounter a work zone, slow down and obey all safety warnings and flaggers to help ensure our workers stay safe. We want them and you to go home safely each day to loved ones.

And with kids returning to the classroom, be extra cautious when driving through school zones, near playgrounds and parks and in residential areas. Expect more traffic around the beginning and end of the school day and plan your commute accordingly. Don’t block crosswalks and always yield for people crossing the street.

The safety of our employees and the public is always our number one priority. Make sure it's yours too, every time you get behind the wheel. Learn more about AEP Ohio’s commitment to safety at AEPOhio.com/Safety.

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